Dr. Lisa Talks about the Bio-Identical Hormone Raplacement Therapy

Our hormones naturally decline with age as women approach menopause and men approach andropause. During this decline, a multitude of symptoms can pop up, and sometimes can be so severe that therapy is warranted almost immediately.

In this video, Dr. Lisa is going to discuss the safe options that we offer here in Spectra Wellness ranging from natural supplements all the way to Pellet Therapy where bio-identical hormones are placed underneath the skin. She will also talk about:

  • What Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy is and its benefits.
  • Things to consider when deciding to go through this therapy.

Primarily, we start our patients on conservative treatments with topical creams and then consider Pellet Therapy if the creams aren’t working well enough or the patient finds the daily application inconvenient.

Starting right away with pellets is a great option as well. Bio-Identical Hormone Pellet Therapy can be amazing in that it almost immediately gets people back to the youthful level of hormones within a few days up to a week.

When you come into the office, we’ll sit down in detail and try to determine which approach is best for you.

To know more, please watch the video below!

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