
Dr. Lisa Koche talks about Natural Thyroid Treatment Options

Our topic today is all about Natural Thyroid Treatment options. “Many people walk around with sub-optimal levels of thyroid and don’t even know about it. There are a lot of issues with evaluating your thyroid and its function.” — Dr. Lisa The thyroid glands provide two different types of hormones that have important roles in

Dr. Lisa Koche talks about Natural Thyroid Treatment Options Read More »

Dr. Lisa Talks about the Bio-Identical Hormone Raplacement Therapy

Our hormones naturally decline with age as women approach menopause and men approach andropause. During this decline, a multitude of symptoms can pop up, and sometimes can be so severe that therapy is warranted almost immediately. In this video, Dr. Lisa is going to discuss the safe options that we offer here in Spectra Wellness

Dr. Lisa Talks about the Bio-Identical Hormone Raplacement Therapy Read More »

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